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Julian Hörnschemeyer
Julian Hörnschemeyer
Julian Hörnschemeyer
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A sticky header is a menu or navigation bar that stays at the top of the page no matter where you scroll. In other words, a “fixed” header. This feature is useful for users because it enables them to easily find their way out of a page no matter where they are. Without easy access to the navigational panel, the user experience can become stressful. Like most things, when a problem is solved well, the problem and solution both go by unnoticed. That’s what we want! Personally, I’ve left websites solely because simple navigation options were not available, and in some cases I’d even rather call the company than deal with their website. In this tutorial we’ll go over how to make a sticky header using HTML and CSS. For advanced animated effects, we’ll add some Javascript at the end. For those who don’t already know, HTML is what sets the structure of the website, CSS gives it color and traits, and Javascript adds animations and behaviors — as explained in W3Schools. In terms of browser compatibility, it looks like everything in this tutorial is compatible with current browsers. A good tip for web development is to test along the way, not just after you’re done adding the coding that you think you need. Otherwise, something could go wrong and it’ll take longer to pinpoint exactly what the problem is. So, take it slow. Now, let’s get to the coding and building! A sticky header is a menu or navigation bar that stays at the top of the page no matter where you scroll. In other words, a “fixed” header. This feature is useful for users because it enables them to easily find their way out of a page no matter where they are. Without easy access to the navigational panel, the user experience can become stressful. Like most things, when a problem is solved well, the problem and solution both go by unnoticed. That’s what we want! Personally, I’ve left websites solely because simple navigation options were not available, and in some cases I’d even rather call the company than deal with their website. In this tutorial we’ll go over how to make a sticky header using HTML and CSS. For advanced animated effects, we’ll add some Javascript at the end. For those who don’t already know, HTML is what sets the structure of the website, CSS gives it color and traits, and Javascript adds animations and behaviors — as explained in W3Schools. In terms of browser compatibility, it looks like everything in this tutorial is compatible with current browsers. A good tip for web development is to test along the way, not just after you’re done adding the coding that you think you need. Otherwise, something could go wrong and it’ll take longer to pinpoint exactly what the problem is. So, take it slow. Now, let’s get to the coding and building!